Anxiety Treatment in New Jersey


Overcome anxiety and regain emotional control

Anxiety is a normal human reaction to stressful situations. The reality is that everyone experiences some worry or fear regularly. It can be because of a biological predisposition or due to loss, transition, trauma, or interpersonal conflict. Yet for individuals with anxiety disorders, this worry isn’t temporary. It’s chronic and pervasive, slowly growing in strength as time progresses. Anxiety can be debilitating – impacting one’s ability to perform professionally, maintain healthy relationships, and be present in social situations.

Anxiety disorders occur in both adults and children, with approximately 18% of US adults and 25% of adolescents vulnerable to these chronic symptoms.

At our New Jersey Wellness Center, treatment centers on gaining greater understanding and awareness of your internal experience, so you can equip yourself with the tools necessary to minimize these negative symptoms.

Major Types Of Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is characterized by persistent and excessive worry. An individual’s fears can center on a number of different issues such as healthy, safety, finances, or a general feeling of impending doom. These worries are difficult to control and can appear irrational or an overreaction to the outside world. In addition to excessive worry, symptoms can also include restlessness, irritability, headaches, nausea, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension and being easily startled.

Individuals with GAD tend to be very hard on themselves and strive for perfection. There is a tendency to seek reassurance and validation from others.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and/or behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over. The obsessive thoughts can include unwanted or forbidden thoughts, fear of contamination and aggressive thoughts towards self or others.

Compulsive behaviors can include excessive cleaning or handwashing, arranging things in a precise manner, repeatedly checking on things or compulsively counting. Although an individual may realize that these thoughts and behaviors are irrational, they have difficulty gaining control. These symptoms have a negative impact on an individual’s quality of life, impacting their employment, relationships and ability to complete certain daily life skills.

Most children are diagnosed with OCD by age 10, but symptoms can present as early as two or three. Boys are more likely to develop OCD before puberty, with girls more frequently experiencing symptoms during adolescence. 

Panic Disorder is characterized by recurring panic attacks that include shortness of breath, sweating, trembling, rapid heart rate, chest pains, dizziness, hot flashes and a feeling of dread. These attacks can be brought on suddenly and symptoms can be intense and temporarily paralyzing. Although these attacks are not life threatening, they can be very frightening and impact one’s quality of life. There is typically a chronic fear of experiencing another panic attack, once someone has endured their first one. As a result, functioning at work or in social settings can be difficult since there is always an impending fear of another attack occuring.

Phobias are characterized by intense fears regarding certain objects or situations that are distressing or intrusive. These phobias can prohibit an individual from completing certain tasks, interacting with others, or even leaving their home.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is characterized as a condition that is triggered by a traumatic that was either experienced or witnessed. Trauma can encompass any situation that was deeply distressing and disturbing for an individual. There are a wide range of symptoms that can be experienced such as recurrent and unwanted memories of the event, flashbacks, nightmares, a desire to avoid conversation, places or people that serve as a reminder of the event, hopelessness for the future, negative thoughts about self or others, difficulty maintaining relationships and chronic feeling of detachment. Individuals may also get easily startled, engage in self-destructuve behaviors, have difficulty sleeping, experience irritatbility and an overwhelming sense of shame / guilt.

Social anxiety is characterized by being fearful of social situations and is one of the most commonly diagnosed disorders. Individuals who experience social anxiety tend to be self conscious and have an overwhelming fear of being judged or embarrased while in a social setting. They may also have difficulty making / keeping friends and following through with social obligations. Symptoms may include excessive worry prior to planned event, nausea, shakiness, difficulty breathing and at times, having an “out of body” experience. Individuals who experience social anxiety may have difficulty talking to strangers, speaking in public, maintaining eye contact, eating in front of others and starting conversations.

Our Approach to Anxiety Treatment

At Navesink Wellness Center, we offer a multi-faceted approach to anxiety treatment, integrating evidence-based therapies with personalized care. Our services include:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a cornerstone of anxiety treatment, focusing on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through CBT, clients learn to identify and challenge negative thought patterns, develop healthier coping strategies, and modify behaviors that contribute to anxiety. Techniques include cognitive restructuring, behavioral experiments, and exposure exercises.

  • Exposure Therapy: This therapy is particularly effective for phobias and panic disorder. It involves gradual and controlled exposure to feared situations or objects to reduce avoidance behaviors and desensitize the individual to the sources of their anxiety. The goal is to help clients confront and manage their fears in a safe and structured environment.

  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, help individuals stay present and manage the physical symptoms of anxiety. Techniques like progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery are also used to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

  • Medication Management: For some individuals, medication may be an essential component of treatment. Our psychiatric team conducts thorough evaluations to determine if medication is appropriate, carefully prescribing and managing medications to ensure efficacy and minimize side effects. Common medications include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and benzodiazepines.

  • Psychoeducation: Educating clients about anxiety, its mechanisms, and treatment options is a key component of our approach. Understanding the nature of anxiety empowers individuals to actively participate in their treatment and make informed decisions about their care.

  • Individual and Group Therapy: We offer both individual therapy and group therapy sessions. Individual therapy provides personalized attention and tailored interventions, while group therapy offers support and shared experiences with others facing similar challenges. Group settings can provide valuable social support and insights.

The Benefits of Anxiety Treatment

Effective treatment for anxiety offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Quality of Life: By managing anxiety symptoms, individuals can improve their overall quality of life, allowing them to engage more fully in work, social activities, and personal relationships.

  • Increased Emotional Resilience: Treatment helps individuals build resilience and develop effective coping mechanisms to handle stress and anxiety. This enhances their ability to face challenges with greater confidence.

  • Improved Relationships: Reducing anxiety can lead to better interpersonal relationships by improving communication and reducing avoidance behaviors. This fosters healthier and more fulfilling connections with others.

  • Better Physical Health: Managing anxiety can alleviate related physical symptoms and contribute to overall well-being. This includes reducing stress-related health issues and improving sleep quality.


At Navesink Wellness Center, we are committed to providing comprehensive, compassionate care for individuals struggling with anxiety. Our experienced team works closely with each client to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and goals. If you or a loved one is experiencing anxiety, we invite you to reach out to us for support and begin the journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.